Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Police Chief?

Reportedly after another emergency Executive Session held Monday night January 29, a motion was made and seconded to begin the search for a new Chief of Police for Combine.
Did he resign?
Was he terminated?
We don't know...

If the next scheduled meeting of the Combine City Council is Monday night, February 5, notices of date, time and agenda should be posted no later than 5pm Friday Feb 2. More than likely, one agenda item to expect would be an explanation about the search for a new Chief of Police.


At 2/1/07, 3:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats the greatest news I have heard in a long time...the only news that would be better is if they would just disband the whole police least we dont have to worry about him parking in front of houses that are on fire so the fire truck cant get to the house..

At 2/1/07, 3:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dont we see if we can get some info on how much the city paid for that ugly 1982 fire engine that the fire department has...ive heard it was over 50,000 dollars...i think the council should have taken advice from someone else besides the backstabbing, lying ex fire chief and the stuck up and stupid assistant chief who is now your fire chief...there are fire trucks 10 and 15 years newer being sold all day long for 20,000 theres something to talk about

At 2/5/07, 9:57 AM , Blogger Rick Nessner said...

Isn't it funny how someone who really knows nothing about a subject, will sound off and then sign their name as Anonymous.

Chief Rick Nessner
Cell 214-914-8478
190 Robinson Road
CVFD Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM

PS. The name calling really hurt my feelings.

At 2/5/07, 11:07 AM , Blogger Know Combine said...

Common sense tells me the fire department would be BUYING those $20k fire trucks IF they really exist. Wouldn't it be more CONSTRUCTIVE to actually HELP the fire department find one rather than just sit around Matlocks and talk about it?! Now there's REALLY something to talk about...

At 2/7/07, 1:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how people talk about our department and how we operate but nobody wants to join our organization and give us a hand and be a part of there community. Instead they sit around badmouth THERE fire department in THERE community.

Capt. Cody Sheppard
Combine Fire Department

At 2/13/07, 8:43 AM , Blogger The Combiner said...

I can not say too much I am not in the Combine VFD. But I do know it is wrong and cowardly to call people names and make accusations while hiding behind the "anonymous" title on the internet. This is our home, show some pride and respect for those that serve us. I only know the past chief and current one in passing, but I proudly stand behind Rick Nessner rather that someone that will not stand up and tell their name.

James W Parker
Combine Texas


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