Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Special Called Council Meeting

Your City Council held a Special Called meeting last night. All were present except Mitzi Boyd. Agenda items were:

1. The Road Committee (Edward and Betsy - and just Edward really because Betsy is not legally serving on the Council) made recommendations for the next phase of road improvements in Combine based on information received from the County. The unanimous vote was to accept the recommendations to prep the majority of roads this year and chip seal them next year. The roads receiving attention now will be Davis, Valtie Davis, Haines, Lanier, Ramsey, Circle Drive and Loren Boyd in an amount not to exceed $100,000.
No drainage improvements are to be made to Combine roads in Kaufman county.
Combine roads in Dallas county will be regraded.

2. The Council is considering the appointment of Curtis Mathis as Code Enforcement Official/Officer and Animal Control Official/Officer. Such an official could issue citations which could end up in city court if the citizen did not respond to the citation. Judge McBurney was concerned the court could not issue Failure to Appear warrants for citations issued by someone who is not a sworn peace officer. The issue was tabled.

3. The Council is collecting information to write an Animal Control Ordinance for the City of Combine so an Animal Control Official/Officer could have an ordinance on which to base citations especially for loose/mean/vicious dogs.
The issue was tabled.

4. The Council is considering the possibility of adding fencing ordinances for Combine. Mayor Taylor asked the P&Z to research and get some information to bring back to the Council.

5. The Council convened in yet ANOTHER Executive Session to discuss Combine Police Department personnel issues. But this time something was actually decided and acted upon.

In a stunning development, Paul Norman made the motion to terminate Chief Chuck Armitage for "no confidence." The Council will extend a provisional offer of Interim Chief to Glenn Grady.

Mayor Taylor explained this particular action required a "super majority" to pass - meaning the vote must pass by 4 of the 5 Council members. Mitzi was not present to vote. But Brandon, Paul, Edward and Betsy all voted to terminate Chief Armitage.

The question now is since Betsy is not legally serving on the Council - was the vote really a "super majority?"


At 7/3/07, 5:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7/7/07, 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

another test

At 7/12/07, 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason this city doesn't believe in takeing care of those who serve it. One Chief gets beat half to death and the city doesn't do anything to help him financially for the remainder of his life. They expect officers to risk their lives for the city and want provide health insurance, life insurance or retirement. Now here we go again...a second chief is hurt on duty due to the city's negligence...and the council votes to terminate him, and didn't even have the decency have him present. The ignorance of the leaders of this city will be its downfall.

At 8/8/07, 3:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, pleeeeease don't tell me you really believe Chuck got hurt on the job. He knew we didn't want his lazy butt back. he got just wanted, our $$$. I personally am glad he is gone. I was ashamed of him. he was LAZY !!!!! he couldn't find his A$$ with both hands. if we would have done a better investigation, we would have found out, he was not able for rehire from his prev employer.

At 8/10/07, 8:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief Armitage was a great chief as well as the other full timers that were there at the department. Henderson and the hispanic officer were great. You'll are so incompetent and ignorant to realize this.

At 10/30/07, 9:32 AM , Blogger Michael Cramer said...

I think that you need to require folks to post their name along with their comments, to prevent the immature name calling that is rampant on this site. Hopefully this site can be a free flowing exchange of ideas to better the community and not just a sounding board for people who like to stand in the shadows and cast stones.


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