Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Opponents of the school bond election are putting out signs that say "SAY NO TO HIGHER TAXES."
Higher taxes?? Your CISD tax rate is decreased!!
Most people hear ‘bond election’ and immediately equate that with ‘tax increase,’ but that is not the case with this bond election. The 2007-08 tax statement you recently received from Kaufman county reflects a 29cent tax decrease for Crandall ISD.

Just do the math! The 2005-06 CISD tax rate was $1.7665; the current rate is $1.4786. The $1.4786 tax rate will remain in effect for three years. After that, Texas law will keep the CISD tax rate to no more than $1.54.
Read the FACTS for yourself,


At 10/24/07, 7:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a note, the VOTE NO signs that have flooded Combine, are really illegal, according to the Texas Board of Ethics on elections. Most of the signs have been placed on property without permission, but more importantly, the producers of the signs have failed to file with the school board secretary as being in opposition, they have also failed to print on their signs (political advertisement paid for by.....), which must be on all of the printed signs. There are many more other rules they have failed to comply with, and should someone take a notion to file a complaint with Austin, a hefty fine can be imposed upon those responsible.

At 10/24/07, 10:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read your comment and you're right, but it's the Texas Ethics Commission, not Board of Ethics, and you can be fined for every sign you've placed if you have not followed the specified guidelines.

At 10/25/07, 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a life, this isnt about sign legallity, its about our schools.
Lets hear some positive info here, if you want to talk signs, call each other!

At 10/25/07, 11:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No,it's not about signs, it's about the ignorance of people spreading uneducated rumors, and not taking the time to oppose things in the right way. If they just go about their opposition in anyway they please, how can anyone trust a word they say!

At 10/25/07, 11:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't heard a single positive thing come out of Combine on this issue, and by what I've heard and been witness to, all the negativity and mud slinging is coming from here.

At 10/25/07, 3:55 PM , Blogger The Combiner said...

Positive, I did not go to school in Crandall but my wife did and so did my son. Crandall may not be Highland Park ISD, but if I wanted HP-ISD I would have moved there, we haver very good schools. We pay taxes for all sorts of goofball things that we do not approve of. I actually believe public education is way too cheap, we should pay more than we do. We have great schools! We should not only give them more money for buildings, but programs, pay raises etc. These people do the very best they can with what little they have to work with. Some on the negative side did not like the new high school, they did not like the football stadium improvements and so on. I am proud to live in Combine, I am proud to have my son graduated from CISD. I see all the mess on television about all the other school districts and I would have paid tuition for my son to have gone to CISD. No system is perfect they should all be closely watched to see they make good use of our money. But I believe this group at CISD does and I will proudly give them my money as long as I believe that is case. and I am proud enough to use my name here because whether you agree with me or not we have a great school, great kids and great teachers.

At 10/25/07, 5:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10/26/07, 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll second your observance of uneducated and ignorant yentas (that means rumor spreader for you who practice the aforementioned).

At 10/29/07, 10:22 PM , Blogger Dinah Cannefax said...

I have lived in Combine all my life and intend on raising my two children here. I pay taxes on the home I live in and on rental property I own in Combine, and frankly, do not want to pay more taxes either. Unfortunately, we are growing and will continue to grow, more so North of Crandall, but still in our school district. I have studied all of the facts and feel certain that voting in favor of this bond will do two very important things that directly effect those of us in Combine with children in CISD.

1. Voting yes will keep CISD administration from having to use the current operating budget to hire more teachers to teach in the portable buidlings that will also have to be paid for with operating dollars. The 14% increase in student population this year will continue and more buildings and more teachers will have to be paid for with the operating budget. This means less for our current teachers and their educational programs. Remember, portables and teachers only address half the issue. The extra students will have to share bathrooms, cafeteria time, computers, athletic equipment, etc. All of this will drain the already stretched operating budget.

2. Voting yes for the CISD bond will help build a school in Heartland. If you stop and think for a moment, this is good for Combine means that children living north of Crandall will go to the school in Heartland....leaving Combine and Southern Crandall going to the original campuses just like it was before Heartland was developed.

If you want overcrowded schools, incredible traffic, increased teacher turnover and fewer programs in our schools....stick your head in the sand and vote NO. It amazes me that well respected, long time Combine residents with successful business careers refuse to acknowledge the facts.


At 10/30/07, 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sign in support of the bond election on my property didn't even last 24 hours before is was taken. No doubt from the opposition. Start pulling up the "vote no" signs since they are out of compliance anyway and be done with it. Better yet, forget about the signs and focus on the real reason for this election in the first place...OUR CHILDREN!!! Come on people, THEY are our future! To be a successful community you have to invest wisely in your future - in this case the community in which you live. Please vote FOR this bond election and for our future community leaders - the CHILDREN!

At 10/31/07, 10:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the original $20 million bond (Part 1) is a good idea and would have voted for it by itself. But I do not think allowing the school board an additional $30 million (Part 2) to spend on "whatever it thinks best" is a good idea. Why was this done? Do they not want to go through voter approval process for expenditures? I wish they had left part 2 off.

At 10/31/07, 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You apparently haven't been to any of the meetings, or read any of the literature. The second part of the bond will not even be sold if the growth were to stop, and if it is, a new school (either elementary or middle), will be built, and emphasis on extending the life of the middle school, improvements, cafeteria, etc.. will be made, this money is not for just whatever, If you go to the schools website and look at the resolution that the school board passed, you will see that there will be no athletic complex, (if that's what you're worried about). All of the propaganda coming from people on the Combine city council and their cronies is just that...propaganda, all those people have heard the facts and still want to distort the truth, and keep you from knowing the truth. And we have to do our part in holding the trustees accountable for their usage of this money. We have to take the initiative, get educated, attend board meetings, and do what's right for the future of our kids and community. We will grow wether people like it or not. You can't stop the train, but you can direct it.

At 10/31/07, 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'm worried that $50 million is not enough. But if that will work, I'd rather do it now than in a year or so have them have to come back for more money.

At 11/3/07, 11:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me about a supposed tax in the city of Combine having to do with Trinity Valley Electric? I just heard this and don't know if it's true or not.

At 11/5/07, 9:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a city council meeting tonight?
(Monday- Nov. 5)

At 11/6/07, 11:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a crying shame that the main "vote no" people are the same agitaters that are destroying combine !!!!!! they uneducated, selfish, misinformed and quite frankly very negative people. the fact is that they are so old that any tax increase will not affect them whatsoever because their tax rate is locked in and the other ones are so sterile they dont even have kids that attend the schools, and i believe there is one or two whose kids/grandkids have been kicked out of school b/c of the trouble they cause. no wonder they dont want to see our children prosper and gorw......IT DOESN'T BENEFIT THEIR SELFISH BUTTS !!!!!!
furthermore if they are so turned off by the growth that is coming (like it or not) then they should move to another town where they tax you by i.q. or amount of teeth.....they would not pay much in taxes. fact of the matter is that the bond is and will pass, so they just need to lay down and enjoy the appreciation they will see on the property values.....IF they indeed live here !!!!!

At 11/6/07, 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the idiots re-doing all of the red signs today. I believe if they would put this much effort into making this city right as they do to screw it up, we would all be better off.
What gets me is why they dont have them posted all over where they hang out. I guess Matlock dont back them either.

At 11/6/07, 8:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

why should "heartland" receive a new school when, in fact, they do not even claim "Crandall" as their town. They have been calling themselves as Heartland,Texas. If they want to raise the money for their own schools, then let them be their own seperate entity. The people that live in Heartland, don't spend their money in Forney. Which just makes Forney a larger city beside "the real Crandall"

At 11/6/07, 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction on the last comment,they do,in fact spend their money in Forney.

At 11/6/07, 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but that comment makes no sense whatsoever. Like it or not, Heartland is in CISD, and a school is needed there to keep the traffic and over crowding down. Use some sense people.

At 11/6/07, 8:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I guess you spend ALL your money at Matlocks, City Market, and the Cotton Gin! How much money do you spend in Walmart in SEAGOVILLE?

At 11/6/07, 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the bond has passed, and we have been witness to the ludicrous acts of the so called "leaders" of our community, maybe it is time that we "took back" Combine. How can we sit back and allow the legally questionable things that happen in our community to continue? The witch and her flying monkey's have had their way for way too long now. They believe that law does not apply to them, and have tried to pressure too many people to do things their way one too many times. I'm tired of seeing them holding court at Matlocks, and seeing that smirk that says, "See, I can do whatever I want, and you can't do anything about it." Are you as sick as I am? Then say it, express it. Let's not let Combine die because of the narrow minded, power hungry idiots that try to run everything. It hurts my heart for people to take advantage of their position and use it to insure their power and ignore what's best for the community that they pretend to care so deeply for. Yeah....SAY NO TO HIGHER TAXES!!! BECAUSE WE ALREADY STRUCK A DEAL WITH TRINITY VALLEY ELECTRIC TO TAX YOU!

At 11/7/07, 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, its time for us city slickers that just moved out here to take it all away from them. We WILL take this place over and make it a better place for everyone to live!


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