The truth
Don't listen to the stories about the $50m school bond some are telling.
Get the FACTS for yourself Thursday night October 4 at Pointview Baptist Church in Combine.
And you can READ them for yourself here
Couldn't make the meeting .. how did it go?
If you want your taxes to go up just vote YES for the CISD school bond. Stop and think about the future of your kids and grandkids that the tax increase will affect!! Just because you can afford it doesn't mean your family and neighbors can!! I'm all for education but this school is going in Heartland, it is not for our students. Just look around the schools now, they rarely mow them anymore and the maintenance is terrible, trash everywhere. I heard they just bought new mowing equipment, but now they have contracted out the mowing and yard maintenance and just look at it, it is a Disgrace. I wonder if they fired everyone who used to mow and maintain the grounds or are they still being paid? They say this is about EDUCATION, just ask the TEACHERS about their salaries!! That is the reason for teacher turnovers. This is not about education, this is about KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES'!!! All I'm asking is for you to really think about this. Combine will never gain a thing out of this, do you think they would build us a school here if we had a sewer system??NO The City of Crandall will continue to let growth come without thinking about the burden of the taxpayers, unless we put a stop to it. They collect City Taxes and we pay for those children to go to school. We now have the ability to stop the problem, so I ask you to VOTE NO on November 6th for the $50 Million CISD school bond and stop the uncontrolled spending habits of the TRUSTEES that we elected.
I agree, no matter what they say:
The fact of the matter is, "they" want us to sign over a blank check!
Taxes will go UP?! Don't know about you, but I got my Kaufman County tax statement and my CISD taxes went DOWN! just like Dr Watson and the school board SAID they would.
What kind of world are you living in that you think enough schools to educate 1,000s more children will not benefit Combine?! This growth is REAL - it is here now and more to come.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! Don't listen to this same old 'tax increase' dialogue. It is a LIE being told by some who will not listen to FACTS. Some who would rather moan, groan and complain than get up and try to HELP and solve a very real problem that will not go away by itself.
Read about the bond meeting that was held Monday night, October 1, 2007 at under Latest News > Schools > CISD. There were only about 75 people there...where were you?
I had a family emergency, that's why I wasn't at the meeting. My sister was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Otherwise I would have gone. Sometimes life gets in the way of plans.
I am sorry to hear about your sister, and there are times when things happen which is very understandable. It is just that it seems that so many people complain about these things, but then don't show up at the meetings or even to vote on it. It is just that there are more than just 76 people in the school district and always a lot of complaints when taxes go up, but so few show up when information is given out. I was against it at first because I didn't want my taxes to go up either. Once I attened the meeting on Monday and found out what the school district (and my children) would be facing without the bond, it changed my mind.
Another meeting will be held on October 22, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Crandall/Combine Community Center
This school bond issue is a bunch of crap. The first $20 Million is supposedly accounted for but the $30 Million is a blank check. Don't be fooled by all of this. I voted for the last bond but I won't be this time. Maybe if the School Board were more worried about our children we would not have lost our exemplery status. Most people don't know this because the signs are all still up showing us as an exemplary school. Maybe they should be more worried about taking care of our teachers instead of competing with other schools.
Yep, we could always just sit by and do nothing and look like Scurry!!
Alright, I can't take it anymore! You people who are so dead set against the bond election are making total asses out of yourselves, but it seems that you do that on a regular basis. All of the so called reasoning you've used to convince yourself and others that this is a bad thing is so dilluted, it's ridiculous. I am thinking about the future of our kids and grandkids. Get a grip dude! If you think that Combine will remain this tiny little community forever, you are sadly mistaken, and you need to start moving east if you plan on living the country life from now on. Statistics prove that our kids and grandkids probably won't even want to live here when they grow up, and if they do, I want them to have a community to live in that thrives and has things to offer their children. I'm just so tired of the grocery store politics that run this community, and will eventually run it into the ground. The main ones running this smear campaign against the bond, are doing unethical things, (like sitting on the city council of a town you don't even live in!), and the rest of us sit here and take it. C'mon people, stand up and get the facts and don't take all the junk they're handing out!
Where else would you rather see a new school built besides Heartland? For crying out loud! The land doesn't have to be purchased, and I don't see anybody around here donating a site. Heartland is where the growth is right now, and those students are our students too you pompous goof! They are in CISD as much as Combine students are. Everybody gets something out of this bond, it's not just for one sector of our community.
Sorry, maybe I'm getting on here late, but just found this blog. I don't know who coined that "blank check" phrase, but it sounds like something our illustrious Combine council members would say, (both leagal and non-legal), and actually I've heard them say it.
If the members of the executive board decided to take advantage of this bond, by misusing the funds, don't you think they'd be jeopodizing their political and social futures? Besides, it's our duty to make sure that they stay accountable for their actions. Nothing Dennie or Woodard says holds water.
I am tempted to use the line from the movie "you want the truth, you cann't handle the truth" from a Few Good Men, but I digress. Truth is everything in life cost of something and that cost usually continues to rise. The material things in this world continue to need replacement and repair. We are growing, not like Forney or Allen but growing nonetheless and that takes more money. We like our little communities but that means no industry, no businesses to help offset our taxes. That means we get to pay for the priviledge of keeping business out of the area. Taxes are not cheap, no one is saying they are, however, education is not cheap either. Sent your kid to college lately? Taken a continuing education class or a certification program lately? Now figure most families have multiple children attending classes, playing sports, the band, cheerleading, FFA welding shop, judging contest the list goes on. This all cost money and it is important. If we do not have a strong education system who is going to be the folks making the decisions in 5 years in 10 years? Their education starts here locally and whether you can see it or not the local school system does a great deal with the money they have to work with. Been to the administration building in the last 20 years? Small don't you think? Portable building not even a permanent structure. How many of us would believe our business was viable if that was the conditions we worked in, we would believe surely something is wrong. What about when kids take trips, band trips, football trips you name it. They have to decide how they are going to pay for it because their budgets are so stretched and many times they do not make the trip because of funds. You tired of funds raisers every time you turn around? I am, I hate the darn things. But you know what, they do it because the money is not there to do the things we want our kids to do. It is easy to complain, it is easy to believe stories of misuse and waste but there is always more than one side to a story. Money for most of us comes from effort, sweat and a great deal of our time. But what better thing to work for than our kids?
Just driving down the roads looking at the homes with YES and NO signs, and knowing where families with kids live versus those that are now empty nesters, and this blog, have all made it easy to see what divides us here.
I understand both sides, and would just ask those involved or concerned to please deal with the facts and not the fears of the unknown.
I grew up in this community. I went to school in this school district. I was there at many of those school board meetings as a student while many of you as parents (who are now asking for us to vote NO) stood your ground. You then ask the district to be all that it could be, because you wanted for us, your children exactly what those of us with children now want... the opportunity to give them and those around them the chance to compete in a tough world.
No a school is not being considered in the Combine community. But what that new Heartland school does have to offer my kids is the opportunity to be in a smaller classroom, and not portables, where my kids will have the chance to focus in an enviroment condusive to making them the best that they can be.
It is not just a new school, this bond is a reflection of our growth. We can sit by in Combine and hope that the world moves on down the road further east passing over FM 1389, or we can deal with it in a factual manner and be prepared for what is clearly coming our way.
I too miss the days of the gravel roads, knowing every kid in my class and their parents, and harmlessly sneaking onto Mr. McQuiness's stock tanks, but those days are gone. I am hoping however to allow my kids to forget about the run down class rooms with bad plumbing, stained carpets, and the technology departments my kids learn in that are way to antiquated. What about the parking lots that are way to small, the unsafe conditions in which we unload and reload our kids onto every day on each and every campus. I also hope my kids can forget about the outdated practice facilities, and other needs for extra curricular events that keep them busy in a good way, and off the streets, and yes out of Mr. McQuiness's stock tank.
I am proud to say I was on the committee that put this bond together. Will my kids, benefit from every aspect of this bond, NO, but then again my kids are not the only ones out there. There is another group right behind mine. What will all these kids miss about growing up in a great community, and what will they be glad to get rid of for their kids future and for our community?
Rick Harrell
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