1. Chuck Upton gave the police report. He is officially on the job.
2. The minutes for the March meeting were approved.
3. The Treasurer’s reports for February 2007 and March 2007 were approved.
4. There was a long discussion concerning the disrepair of City Hall. The building has a leaking roof, water damage, rotting wood, mold, etc. There was discussion to tear down/ rebuild or repair. The Council will be getting bids.
5. Action on an ordinance to cancel the Municipal election this year was tabled. Candidate for Mayor Keith Taylor is unopposed and candidates for Council Ed Sexton and Betsy Dennie are unopposed which means they are automatically reelected. BUT as we all know Betsy does not own property within Combine city limits and therefore is not eligible to be a candidate. The Council has failed to remove her over this one year period of office and now are faced with an unopposed candidate who is not eligible to be reelected.
6. A work session was set for Monday April 23 at 7:30 p.m. to amend the City of Combine fiscal budget for 2007.
7. Information concerning security cameras for City Hall was reviewed. The Council is considering spending appx $2000 of the Municipal Court’s security fund for security cameras.
8. There was discussion but no action regarding the status of the City of Combine audit for fiscal year 2006. The City auditor is supposed to provide the City Secretary more QuickBooks training, but has cancelled the last two appointments.
9. The Council convened in yet another Executive Session to discuss personnel items regarding the Combine Police Department.