Wednesday, December 26, 2007

People want to know...

Some are interested in comments concerning (1) the placement of the new 'Seagoville' sign on Hwy 175 at the Combine exit and (2) the TVEC tax appearing on your electric bills.
So...comments anyone??

One comment on the Seagoville sign - you might be interested to know that one reason the Seagoville sign is at the Combine exit could be because that is Seagoville's city limit line. Seagoville has annexed all of the property on their east side all the way to the Combine city limits.
(Note: This blog has now been updated to include a date as well as time stamp on your posts.)


At 12/27/07, 12:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Combine have a chief of police yet? Are there any full-time patrol officers?

At 12/27/07, 1:25 PM , Blogger The Combiner said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12/27/07, 1:27 PM , Blogger The Combiner said...

Are there any city fire codes for Combine? Last time I was in the old Combine store it did not seem fit for man nor beast in regards to the structural integrity and wiring. I can not see how it could possibly be safe to have a school with any children muchless small children in that building. I have not been in it recently, but I would find it hard to believe these issues have been resolved and it certainly did not have any up to date fire sprinklers, smoke alarms etc inside. Don't get me wrong I am happy to see the place being used for something positive like a school. But I would hate to see something tragic happen to those kids.

At 12/28/07, 8:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did the road that several eleceted officials get repaved sp quickly....or is it the fact that it leads to the hunt's ranch ???

At 1/2/08, 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the next City Council meeting on January 7th?

At 1/4/08, 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, The city does not have any city fire codes that i am aware of. Ask the city Fire Marshal. Ed McBurney.

At 1/4/08, 12:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city does not have any full- time patrol officers at this time.
Also no police chief yet.


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