New Police Chief and Roads...
Combine Road Project Hits Bump in The Road
Written by Jerry Pugh
Thursday, 07 February 2008
At the February 4, 2008 Combine City Council Meeting, the council addressed many issues that are of great concern to their residents.
Combine Police Department:
The Council announced that Gary O’Pry, the new Police Chief, has passed all the required background and ethical investigations and is already working, however he will not officially assume the full time duties of the office until March 5, 2008. An introduction of Chief O’Pry to the community of Combine will be published in an upcoming issue of The Suburbia News.
Combine Fire Department:
The Combine Fire Department notified the Council that they are in need of at least two new volunteers. The Volunteer Firemen meet at the Fire Station on the second and forth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
The Council encourages those citizens of Combine who wish to become part of the Department to apply at the stated meeting of the Volunteer Firemen.
The Council was also reminded that the City of Combine is still under a burn ban and that the fire hazards are still with us. Citizens are reminded that burning in barrels require that a screen over the barrel be in place and that a water hose be on site prior to burning.
Agreement with Dallas County:
The Council proposed an agreement with Dallas County that would address nuisance and environmental problems in the City of Combine. This agreement would permit the city to contact Dallas County to enforce the State of Texas Civil Environmental and Nuisance Laws for the City of Combine.
Approval of this action was deferred to the March meeting to allow the council members the opportunity to review the agreement.
Combine Road Project:
Road Repair dominated the meeting of the Combine City Council this month. The council had planed to review the cost estimates for resurfacing Davis Road and Lanier Road this month, a portion of Harlan Road scheduled for the spring, and doing a chip seal on Circle Drive and Loren Boyd Road later in the spring.
Some members of the Council expressed their dissatisfaction with the work on the roads that had been done in the past, and ask if it would be possible to find a contractor who would be willing to resurface the roads in such a way that they would last for five or ten years.
The concern of money quickly came into the conversation and the best use of the road funds for the citizens of Combine. There were two approaches to the spending of the road funds, one) resurface as many of the roads as possible, two) go beyond just a resurface and construct a road that will not need repair every few months. This second approach would take into consideration and repair road base and drainage problems.
The Council decided to hold this agenda item until the next meeting; during that time they will contact professional road contractors to get some guidance on the cost and scope of such an undertaking.
I would like everyone to know what happened to me last week. My wife and I were in the process of selling a partial of land in Combine and at the last moment were informed by the title company that the Crandall City Council and the Crandall Planning and Zoning Board would have to meet and discuss and approve our change on our property. If we couldnt get these two government bodies together we could not move forward with our sale. My Real Estate Agent, Belinda Bowers contacted Betsy Dennie on a Wensday night with the bad news and Betsy stated " Let me see what I can do". The following day I was informed that Betsy had contacted all of the city Council, the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board and all agreed to call a special meeting. I was astonished because I have been involved with local politics for years and typically these things just take a lot of time. Long story short we had our meeting the following week ( The agenda was posted correctly) and everything was completed. The Council did not rubberstamp my request but rather took the time to discuss it and asked a couple of questions that I havent even thought of. Anyway- My family and I are very grateful to Belinda Bowers, Betsy Dennie , Del MacLaren, the Mayor and city council. You guys truly have the interest of the community at heart and thank you again for your hard work and going above and beyond! Brad Ghormley
Why would any part of Crandall's city administration need to help you with a land sell in Combine?
My fault, I meant to say the Combine City Council.
did the city buy ANOTHER NEW POLICE CAR ????? i saw a dodgee charger the other day that said combine police on it ?!?!?!?! what the heck happened to all the police cars they had ???????? is it just a spending spree over there ???? come on please....they already had three and did we ever get the one back from the old chief (armitage) ????????
Hey- Here's a bright idea, instead of making up a bunch of garbage why dont you go to City Hall and ask them??
There is a new police car and it is a dodge charger I have to say that I like the new striping on it. The charger was purchased by the previous chief.
Check out the fire departments new website
Any update on the road issue?
Is it a law that a police officer should place some sort of warning devices at the scene of an accident? Such as cones or flares? Especially in a blind curve that is at the bottom of a hill? It is hard enough to see around our curves and even if you are going the correct speed limit, you could run into the accident itself if there are NO warnings. I don't think it is appropriate for the Combine Police Department to hand signal people off the road to tell them to slow down because of an accident when the officer didn't have a vest on or flares or cones out to caution oncoming drivers. Does he just want a feather in his hat? Also, When approaching the intersection by the Shell station and Church, a yellow advisory sign with small print reads 35 mph, although the speed limit sigh reads 45 mph. Can you be ticketed for NOT dropping down to 35mph? And why don't we have an identical sign coming from the opposite direction? Is this just a trap? Blinkers coming out of the Shell parking lot also has become a possible ticket now. Geeeeezzzzz! What about all these theifs around here? What about all these drunk teenagers driving around here? It seems we have way more important issues at hand, yet we seem to get these happy ticket writing wanting-a-name for themselves police officers out here. Also, it has been noticed SEVERAL times that our new police officer SMOKES cigarettes while having people pulled over. Is that really professional? You can't earn respect when it's not given. Nothing is going to be changed by police officers trying to prove something. We need more patrol also. Nit picking only goes so far......
Hey Town Hall Meeting tonight!!July 10th 7:30 at the Fire Station. Ask the Police Chief anything you want. Get it off your chest. Dont' blog it. Go to the chief himself. Ask him about the new squad car, the blind curve at the bottom of the hill, the no vest or flares, the blinker coming out of the parking lot, the drunk teenagers, the happy ticket writing smoking officer. You certainly aren't going to get an answer on this blog!!!!!
I agree some other roads need a great of work. I guess I don't understand what the deal is with turn lanes. I agree they would be good. It seems like less pavement than shoulders and we are only talking about 2 small pieces of road and a few paint stripes. What don't I understand?
3039 needs resurfacing more than 1389. I fear the rainy day that one of the high school kids hydros, and kills someone. It needs to go on the priority list now.
Don't fear that 3039 needs resurfacing more than 1389. Because somebody kid has already killed somebody by a high school kid going to shcool one morning about 10 years ago on 3039 he hit him in the rear end because he was driving to fast.The better the road the faster they drive
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
By Mike Orren
. Discussion & Action- Police Department request to move Daven Chapa from Reserve officer to Paid position and Dennis Gotcher from Reserve officer to paid position.
2. Discussion & Action- Police Chief request to add Reserve officer to cover shifts so the City is getting 24 hr 7 day police coverage.
Does anybody know how this came out or the results?
Does anybody know if our Police Chief rescind ?
I would like to know something about our road. It is absolutely horrible and has been that way for months. Countryside Way is not being serviced but the roads around us are. If I am expected to pay taxes, I would also like to see our roads being serviced too. How do I find out who is responsible for our road? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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