Your City Council at work...
Now may be a good time to reapply for a variance request you may have made to the Combine City Council that was rejected. Ignoring your Combine city ordinances, your City Council has given Councilwoman Betsie Dennie a variance to build a log house in R-1 zoning on FM 3039.
So how can the City Council now deny the variance YOU want?
(Though it is hard to complain. At least Betsie will finally be a citizen of Combine...assuming she actually moves in when the log house is done, that is.)
I heard that Steve McCauley meterologist on Channel 8 news lives in Combine. Does anyone know if this is true? Sorry Im off subject, here - LOL
nope, just a rumor.
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Steve McCauley does live in Combine in River Bend Subdivision off of 3039.
No he doesnt. Its just a rumor.
Steve McCauley lives in River Bend. I have met him there just ask his neighbors.
Nope, your confused.
I have lost my dog. She is a white heeler mix...I live near Harlan and Lanier...Please call Kelly should you find/see her! 214-403-0379 Thank you so much!
Who are these people who sit up at Matlocks and talk about meters? I stoped going there because of that.
what kind of meters are they talking about??
Does anyone know what would be good to plant right now for a garden?
what is the deal with the stone wall being put up in front of matlock's ?
Rumor has it the City was given a Grant and someone decided we should spend it on a City sign. Looks really good so far...just my opinion
so is the sign on Matlock property or city property?
Who cares. It looks nice.
We now have something to be proud of. It really looks nice.
It does matter. That was City money that was used to build it. You want to spend your money to build a something on my property? What does it matter, I will let you look at it? Then when I get ready to sell my property, well then you can look at it when the next guy buys it but you are not allowed to touch it. So, when Matlocks sellout or get mad at Combine they just tear the thing down. How infantile, does it matter. Now if it is city property that is GREAT. I don't care if we have a sign or not, but it better be on city property otherwise it is a Matlock sign.
You needed a sign to be proud of where you live????? That is truely sad.
The Matlocks are Combine. Without them Combine would just be an addition to Crandall. The sign looks Great!!
the sign is on txdot property you fools. it was a grant form the state of texas. much of the work done had been donated as well
Naming calling is a sign of your low IQ. It was a valid question, all you had to do is answer it.
The sign is on State property not Matlocks.
This must be some of the dumbest residents in the country. You don't have full time law enforcement, a paid fire department, and have had a city council member who didn't, or doesn't, live in the city limits and you guys are worried about a sign being built and who lives in town. It's only a matter of time before you can call Combine Seagoville South East.
What an ignorant comment. Apparently you must reside in Seagoville " West ".
But wont all of the city ramrods that hang out at Matlocks make sure this doesnt happen? They do have our best interest in mind, or so I was told.
i agree you people are to worried about a sign and insignificant need to be wondering why those rent-a-cops are so busy writing tickets instead of ACTUALLY patrolling and SOLVING burgluaries in the town the are working for....i thought we got rid of the ticket happy nazi's. it is a shame that we went for a verrrry long time without needing tickets written, now they have people pulled over everyday. is that what the "extra" taxes are paying for.....writting us tickets ????
I would watch who you call a rent a cop. The next ticket might be your's. If you are so worried about the Officers enforceing traffic LAWS then slow down. Officers are here to uphold the LAWS not KISS your Butt.
Think again.......the sign can't be on state property because Matlock's have trees planted closer to the road than where sign is set. Plus the Shell sign is farther out to the highway as well. The sign is on Matlock property, no doubt about it. There is city property at Davis & 1389. Why not put the sign there?
Did you know that the city was so worried about lawsuits that the county cleanup was moved to the church this year? It makes no sense after all these years of having the dumpsters on city property. Another instance of the city shirking their responsibility.
And could someone explain why the speed limits are set the way they are? Why can we drive 55 mph from 175 to the Weatherford's but have to slow down to 45 mph all the way to the end of 1389? It's no more or less residential from one point to the other. And please don't tell me it's because the city hall/fire station is on Davis, the old store at the corner of Davis and the church and Matlocks are at the intersection of 1389 & 3039. If that's the reason to slow down to 45, then why can't we go 55 after we pass these entities?
I can tell you why....we need to fill the city coffers with speeding fines so our police can be seen more in Seagoville than they are in Combine. I see a Combine police car at least once a week at WalMart. Way more often than I see them cruising down my road. Great way to keep an eye on crime....
I agree on seeing our police cars all around the place. Not long ago, I saw the older car parked under the bridge at 1389 and 175. Is our police working 175 now? Why dont they stay where they are paid to stay, protecting our town. I also think the speed limit thing is a joke, but we abide! They do need to spend more time protecting the city, not nailing down people for 50 mph.
Speed limits will always be an issue not matter what they are set at. However, in this case should you not know some city history and FM1389 statistics? FM1389 was deemed to be the most dangerous road in Kaufman County. Probably due more to folks passing in the hills between 175 and Combine Road. Also some local history there has been a couple of deaths and even more very serious accidents at the 2 intersections in Combine. The lower speed limit can be a bit irritating, until I remember those families that have lost loved ones on those roads and to the best of my memory there has not been a fatal accident since they lowered the speed limit to 35 at the FM1389 and FM3039 intersection. It is unfortunate that folks can not slow down for the minute or two it takes to get to the higher speed limits. If our own lives are not important to speeders, our children and elderly should be.
Hey folks. I am a MAtlock. I can assure you that the dang city sign is on state owned property. And as far as getting mad at Combine, and tearing it down, Y'all are our livly hood and have been for as many years as I can remember. For those new commers, the store is open to EVERYONE we appreatiat all of y'alls buisness. I hope that all of you who continue to down my family without knowing us would take the time to try to know us. If you have a question about what in the world is happening, ask me I will tell you if I know. My family tries to stay out of the public eye as much as possible but I have big shoulders and I want to hear whatever it is you think about my family.
John A matlock II
not my father
i have known the matlock family for many years. they are good caring people and i take it very personal when people slam them like this. they were some of the first people i met when my family moved here and have always been there to help me when i needed them and have continued to do so. i have done business with them for many years (both ways...buying from them and selling to them) and i can tell you without question that they are one of the most honest, loyal and ethical people i have ever done business with. many folks should have the integrity and work ethic that they do. not only that but they have been there for this community for a great many years and value each and every persons business. we should all be so lucky to have even one person in this world feel that way about us !
Well, I hear we have an immigration officer now. The police chief apparently check the Green card of non-white customers at Matlock's. I guess that was his choice of "protecting" us rather than running traffic radar. Maybe he did that after he stopped one of the council members ;-))) So now the question is,,what do you suppose he would have done with the person without a valid Green card? It seems that the Federal goverment does not want them?
Oh well, never a dull moment in Combine ;-))
well you are actually wrong, i talked to a city concil person and they advised the police to not hassle the customers at matlocks anymore, further more the cops are ACTUALLY writing more warnings than tickets so just be glad we have them here to keep us safe. i feel like the police are doing a pretty good darn job. better than our last police, they were more suspect to robbing you than the criminals ! there are people on here that are going to complain no matter what....geeeeez. either get over it or get involved in your local gov't. and make the descisions yourself, join the fire dept, be a part of the answer not part of the problem. last time i checked the concil ya'll moan about all the time were uncontested ? are you to chicken to get judged or just know that you cant do as good a job as they are ?
my kingdom for an automated spell checker on this blog.....
Not sure I understand your poorly spelled reply. If he was asked not to do it anymore implies that he did indeed what was stated. Also I am not here to complain about ticket writing, folks are bad about thinking Combine is their own personal raceway.
Problem with city politics is city limits line are pretty narrow and folks affected live both within and beyond the city limit lines. Or I know several folks that would like to be more involved than the laws allow.
But outside of those issues, I do agree with you and more so, if you do not like our mostly quiet little town, move.
Once again, some of the citizens that bother to post comments on this site are not concerned with the real issues facing Combine.
There seems to be a great deal of concern that the police department makes a lot of traffic stops. I was in Kaufman County a few weeks ago and heard numerous traffic stops by your officers and it sounded an awful lot like police officers doing their job. Ask any officer that has been on patrol for a while and he or she will tell you that most of the drugs, weapons, felons, and burglars, are caught by making numerous traffic stops. If the police are making a number of traffic stops where I live, and they do, I feel much more secure. Eventually, the word gets out that if you drive through this town you are going to be stopped. It has been my experience that people who reside in small towns want the “criminals” stopped but not themselves. This is counter productive in terms of preventing crime and it is not the way a police officer is trained and goes against the fair expectation that you demand of your officers.
There was also a comment relating to “rent-a-cops.” This comment only shows your lack of knowledge and understanding of the laws regulating peace officers in the State of Texas. All peace officers have the same license regardless of where they work. That’s right; a police officer in Combine has the same license as a police officer in Plano. Then to say other police officers that have worked in Combine were “ticket happy Nazi’s is just a stupid comment. What that says is I received a citation I probably deserved but since I live here I should be able to drive any way I want to.
As far as tickets go, the police department does not get all of the ticket revenues that are generated by writing citations. The police department gets a small percentage and if the citation revenue goes over the projection for the year it is lost. This is just another example of the lack of knowledge by some of the people who write comments on this site.
Remember; thieves do not call the police when they are stealing or burglarizing your residence. However, they usually drive vehicles and often that is how they are caught.
Well said!
Any peace officer can check the resident status of a person. Wher I came from, I always checked the passport/green card. If they were in violation I turned them over to Border Patrol. Might I add most of them had no driver's license and no insurance. So lets see how you feel when an illegal t-bones your vehicle and bails out and runs from the accident. Up here border patrol won't do nothing about illegals. In Brownsville its an everyday occurrence. It is the consensus among illegals that once you make it past the check point in Falfurrias we are home free, because they know law enforcement up here won't do anything.
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