The Betsy Dennie Saga
The Combine Police Department is back to one full-time officer and one part-time reserve officer. Interim Chief Chuck Upton resigned effective April 30, 2007.
Discussion & Action items:
1.Final review of the City’s fiscal year 2006 books by the City auditor was unanimously approved. (Review is less in scope than a full-blown audit which is roughly twice the fee. However a full audit will be required at some point.)
2. The City is embroiled in an issue with some Combine Rd property owners who have erected a structure without proper permits or adherence to P&Z requirements and who have failed to respond to the City’s letters regarding this structure. Though it is a long process, the City can ultimately take the property through District Court action if the issue is not resolved by the property owners. The Council voted unanimously to pursue this action.
3. The Council voted unanimously to install security cameras inside and outside of City Hall. The appx $3,000 cost will be split 50/50 with the Municipal Court’s Technology Fund.
The Council voted unanimously to go forward with repairs to City Hall. The current budget already provides for painting inside and outside, and general repairs to lighting and a new toilet. The City will get some bids/prices to replace the carpeting in the entire building with different flooring.
4. Discussion only (no action:) The City has a budget surplus of appx $40,000 which is required by law to be resolved before the end of the 2007 fiscal year. There was some discussion of reallocating money to road repairs and/or City Hall repairs. Some remarks were made about maybe building a new City Hall soon.
5. And the Council convened in yet ANOTHER Executive Session to discuss Combine Police Department personnel issues.
And in the continuing Betsy Dennie saga:
During Citizen Comments, several citizens spoke about their concerns regarding the illegality of Betsy Dennie’s candidacy for the next Council term of office. Putting it simply - Ms Dennie has not owned property within Combine city limits for 20 months, and therefore should not be eligible for this office.
Sounds reasonable…except Mayor Taylor read a letter from the City Attorney in the open meeting in which the attorney stated he does not agree with that interpretation. In his opinion, as long as Ms Dennie has the “intent” to live in the City, her residency should not be challenged.
Do you think you could get away with intending to do something for 20 months? Do you think the Combine water co-op would allow you intend to pay your water bill for 20 months? Do you think the County would allow you intend to pay your tax bill for 20 months? Probably not.
So, based on the attorney’s opinion and advise, the Council does not intend to do anything about this issue. Unless the City is forced to comply by some judge or court, Betsy Dennie will be seated on the Council in June 2007 for another two year term of office.
Two more years of Betsy Dennie not paying City taxes…
but deciding how your taxes should be spent.
Is that what you want?